Baby Blog

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Hello Unborn Baby!

It's almost surreal that I am writing to you right now. You exist in my mind only as a concept-- you are my future progeny. I have not seen your face; I have not held your hand; I have not heard your voice. Yet, somehow, you are the most important thing in the world to me, next to your mother.

As I write, you are developing in your mother's womb. Even though you are only five inches long, you have eyes, fingers, a brain, and all your organs. Physically, you are a human being, relying on your mother only for nutrients through her placenta. Your heart is beating right now about 160 beats per minute. You are alive.

When you were only six weeks old, we had an appointment with the doctor for an early ultrasound. Your mom was feeling pains in her abdomen, and she was worried that you were an ectopic pregancy and developing in one of her tubes, instead of her uterus (such the hypocondriac).

It was so exciting. We saw you! You were only about six centimeters long! The placenta wasn't even developed yet, and you were getting your nutrients from your yolk sac. Can you believe it!? You had a yolk sac! You looked like a little tadpole! Here you are below:

Click for fullsize image

You want to know the most amazing thing? We heard your heart! It's not common to hear a baby's heart at six weeks, since that is about the time that it first develops! But we heard it! It was one of the most amazing things I have ever heard in my life!

Even then, it was hard to imagine that you were there... a little 6mm embryo... growing... developing... and eager to grow into a human being.

That was 11 weeks ago. Since then, your mother and I talk about you all the time. We even listen to you once in a while with a portable doppler I bought on eBay (I wonder if eBay will be around when you are old enough to understand). It allows us to listen to your heartbeat. Your mother and I listen to you about every two days. Your heart is so strong! This is what your heart sounded like on April 11, 2005:

Your heartbeat

I have so much to say to you, but I would be writing non-stop for the next month. So for now, I am going to stop.

Just stop and think about this: I don't even know you yet, but I love you unconditionally with all my heart, life, and soul. That, in itself, still baffles my mind.

I love you.


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