Baby Blog

Friday, April 29, 2005

Axiomatic Concepts Might be a Little Flawed

Hello baby!

It still seems surreal that you are growing and developing in your mother's womb. Add the fact that I still refer to you as "baby", and the surreality is multiplied.

This brings me to another topic. It's a little philosophy with a flavor of spirituality.

In religious circles, mostly those aligned with Christianity, people adhere to the concept of Father, Son, Holy Spirit. If one were to break those concepts down and remove the religious references, you'd probably end up with Existence, Identity, and Conscience (special thanks to my philosopher friend, Dan Glovak, for exposing me to this possibility).

Existence: Always been around, no boundries, independent of time. Basically, Everything physical, non-physical and meta-physical. Some people call this concept: God.

Identity: A=A. B=B. I am what I am. I am Dino. Your mom is Danielle. Everything has an identity. In religious circles, the Identity of Existence is Jesus, or the Son of God.

Conscience: This one gets a little tricky. I'm still doing some "soul" searching on this one. To me, conscience is my awareness that I exist, within existence, and that I have an identity. I am aware of my own existence. I have a conscience because I am conscious. Some in religious circles do not believe that human beings have instinct, and that the conscience is governed mainly by the God or the Holy Spirit.

So here is my dilema. Right now, if Existence was conscious, and volitional, it would know you exist. I can hear your heartbeat, and I can see your mother's belly swelling everyday. You're taking up space and using resources from the universe. You need energy. You do exist physically.

But do you truly exist yet? You don't have an Identity other than "baby". I have not seen your face. I don't know if you're a boy or girl. Perhaps your temporary Identity is just "baby". I'm not sure on this one.

Furthermore, are you even aware of your own consciousness? Do you know you exist? Can you compare existence to non-existence? Do you remember what it was like to not exist? It wasn't that long ago... maybe 17 weeks. Are you conscious? Do you have a memory? If you could communicate with me right now, what would you say?


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