Baby Blog

Friday, January 27, 2006

Roll Over!

I can't believe it. On Wednesday night, your mom and I were playing with you on your Baby Einstein "Tummy Time" thingamig. We tried coaxing you to roll over, but you'd only get as far as your side, then roll back in frustration. We tried and we tried and we tried... you just wouldn't roll over.

Looks like you're a fast learner. Thursday morning, your mom called me at work to tell me that she laid you down on your back, and in a few seconds, you had flipped onto your stomach. You did it over and over all on your own.

Now, you will not lay on your back. So for three months, you didn't want anything to do with rolling over on your stomach. Actually, you hated being on your stomach. Then, overnight, some of your brain synapses did some talking, and now laying on your stomach is default.

I never though something as simple as you rolling on your stomach would be so impactful to me. It's very neat.

Next thing I know, your mom will be calling me to tell me that you're mobile and crawling, though I have a feeling you'll be walking before you're crawling.


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