Baby Blog

Friday, June 10, 2005

We're Getting Ready

Dear Baby-Filias-To-Be,

We still don't know if you are a boy or girl. For a while, I was convinced you were a boy... for no reason in particular. Maybe it was just because dad's, by default, always want a boy to carry on their family name.

Lately, we've been getting a few "wive's tales" clues that maybe you're a girl. Your heart rate is 160 bpm, which some say is a girl. Boys are supposed to be 140 bpm. This statistic has only been 50% effective in determining the sex, so it's silly for me to even consider it. I promise you won't be inheritting a dumb gene. I'm not dumb. :) <-- That's a smilie face that we geriatrics used in the late 1990's and early 2000's.

There's also the "wive's tale" of your womb positioning. If you're low, you're a boy, and if you're up high, you're supposed to be a girl. Looks like you're up high, though we're finding your heart beat down low. Maybe you're just pushing up your mom's organs and it looks like you're high. :)

Really, we're going to be excited, beyond recognition, if you're a boy or a girl. I'll be happy if you're a boy, to carry on the family name, and to be the next patriarch of our family. Your mom will be happy, because she wants to see a miniature version of me, plus you'll be "momma's boy".

I'll be just as happy if you're a girl. You'll be a miniature version of your mom, so you'll end up getting spoiled rotten by me. You'll also instantly become "daddy's little girl". Your mom will be happy if you're a girl because she's wanted a girl her whole life. She'll spoil you rotten too.

But now, we're trying to figure out what color to paint your room! And guess what? The room color is strictly dependent on your crib accessories like quilt, pillows, baby toys, etc., etc... just another multi-billion dollar industry that devours family fortunes. But how can expectant parents NOT want to have the perfect environment to raise you!?

Your mom is sitting next to me right now on Baby 'R Us online, picking out your crib bedding. Obviously, it's going to be uni-sex meaning that the colors are going to be non-gender related. That means pinks (girls) and blues (boys) are out. You're going to end up sleeping in muted yellows, light greens, and baby blues. And I'm glad that we finally decided on your bedding, because paint is almost ready to get thrown onto the walls.

This weekend, we're painting our room. That's a pretty big job, so it will definitely take the whole weekend. I'm really hoping to get as much done this weekend, so I can tackle your room NEXT weekend. You'll probably end up with a muted yellow or light green room. We'll need to get your mom a nice comfortable rocking chair too. That's where you and your mom will probably spend your first few weeks, since the only thing on your mind will probably be sleep and milk!

One last thing: your mom and I have actually felt you moving around. Actually, your mom feels you moving around all the time... kicking her liver, punching her intestines, and doing backflips in the womb. A few weeks ago, I actually felt a little movement down in the womb. Your mom tells me you're getting more active now, so you're probably figuring out that you have legs, arms, fingers, toes, face, lips and eyes. I wish I could communicate with you to find out what's going on inside the womb, but right now, you probably don't even know what it is to "know". "Knowing" is pretty neat. You're going to love it.

We get one more ultrasound next week. This one is going to be at the doctor's office, instead of outsourced at a hospital. We need to take a closer look at your heart, since you were flip flopped in a position where we could not see all your chambers. Nothing to worry about... just another excuse for us to visit.

We'll see you in about 16 weeks!

Love, your dad.


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