Baby Blog

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Here You Are - 20 Weeks Old

Hello my little peanut. We had our 20-week ultrasound appointment today so we could get a sneak-peek of you in your mommy's womb. There's no way possible that you even have the capacity to "know" anything, but for some reason, it feels like you greeted us with a big ol' yawn (just to show off) as soon as we started looking at you! You big ol' showoff.

We tried to get a decent profile view of you, but you couldn't keep your hand out of your mouth! You are already a cutey, and I know you'll turn into a handsome man or a beautiful woman. Just make sure you stop eating your hand and sucking your thumb by the time you're three and you'll be alright. :)

Anyway, one day you might appreciate these. They are the pictures and videos of you at 20 weeks old. Interesting to note that we reference you throughout your life in three time-frames: gestation, toddler weeks/months, then life years. So, right now you're 20 weeks old, which translates into you really being -20 weeks old (in relation to your birthday), or 20 weeks B.B. (before birth). After you're born, gestation weeks are forgotten, and we'll refer to you as one week old, four weeks old, etc. Probably after the first four weeks, we'll refer to you as two months old, eight months old, ten months old, etc. Then after your first air-breathing birthday, months are discarded, and we'll refer to you in years for the rest of your life. Don't know what made me think of this just now... maybe because it's 1:34 AM, and I have to get up in five hours.

Here you are at 20-weeks old

Sunday, May 15, 2005

We're Going to Visit You on Tuesday

Your mom and I can hardly contain ourselves! In two more days, we actually get to see you floating around in your little womb apartment! On May 17, 2005 at 7:30 PM, we have our 20-week ultrasound appointment.

Your poor mom has to drink a whole liter of water and hold it during the procedure. Last time we went for your 6-week ultrasound, she had to get up to go to the bathroom because she just couldn't hold it any longer. Even after going to the bathroom, the ultrasound technician told us that her bladder was full! Can you imagine how full it must've been BEFORE she went to the bathroom!? This time, I think your mom is only going to drink half the amount of required water. Your mom is a little, petite girly girl. She still gets carded when we go to restaurants because she looks like she's 12 years old.

So, in two days, we actually get to see you in black-and-white, 2D. This is the time that the doctor can determine your sex. Your mom and I don't want to know your sex, so we'll have to look away when they're looking at your privates. I want to look really bad, since I think I'm a doctor, but I won't. The ultrasound technician will know your sex that night, but your mom and I won't. That's weird.

The ultrasound is also performed to make sure that you have all your digits, and make sure that everything is developing like it should be. Odd, statistics and genetics are in our favor, so I'm not worried one bit. You're a healthy, bouncing baby Filias, and you're probably wondering right now how long you're going to be couped up in that tight womb apartment. Don't worry, it won't be long... and if you're like your dad, Uncle Peter and Aunt Gina, you'll be making your way out of the womb two weeks early, walking by the ninth month, and speaking, reading and writing two languages by the time you're two.

We heard your heartbeat at six weeks... I wonder what we'll see at 20 weeks.

By the way, your mom has already felt you moving around. What are you doing in there? I know, I know... that umbilical cord is probably pretty restrictive, and you're probably yearning for a larger room. Don't worry. You'll have a huge room when you're ready to come out, and I'll be the one that cuts that umbilical cord, so you'll be free as a bird by the time you take your first few breaths! Plus, we're already looking at larger houses to make sure you have plenty of room to grow and play! We were actually looking for houses today.

So, bear with this development thing. You're halfway there. You'll be out, breathing sweet air in no time at all! I really cannot wait to meet you! And just think about this... in 20 - 30 years, you'll be writing the same kind of silly nonsense to your unborn baby! Now that's exciting!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother's Day

Hello again, my unborn baby! We got a card from your mom's younger cousin, Elissa, that had this written on the card:

tiny miracle, with your little baby heart beating, everybody loves you, and we dont' even know who you are

I liked that card so much, I just wanted to tell you about it.

The main reason I'm writing to you today, is to let you know that today is Mother's Day. Today is the day that we honor and cherish our mothers. Throughtout your life, there will be days that you and your mother don't agree on everything, and you may end up getting into a fight. Just make sure that you honor and repsect your mother because she will have "carried you in her womb for nine months".

Whenever my mom and I got into a fight, and I acted a little disrepectful, she would always say, "Zoan (means 'animal' in Greek)! How can you talk to your mother like that!? I carried you in my womb for nine months!" Of course, the whole conversatoin would have been in Greek, but there's no way you'd understand what I was writing about.

So today we honor our mothers. I'll even give your mom a little Mother's Day honor today, even though she isn't officially a mother. We have a slightly opposing viewpoint on whether or not we should be celebrating Mother's Day on her behalf. I guess I'll meet her halfway and tell you what a wonderful person your mother is. Your mother is the most wonderful person on this planet. You are going to cherish her, and you're not even going to know why. There will not be one person on this planet that you love more. There is a bond that a mother and child have that is like nothing else in the world. If you ever feel sad, mad, angry, scared, jealous, anxious, or are ever tired, or sick, your mother will be the only person in the world that will make you feel better... even better than I could ever make you feel.

So be good to your mother, and on Mother's Day, try to be especially good, since today is that day that we honor them for the sacrifices they have all made.

By the way, your mom's belly is getting bigger! We can definitely tell that you are inside her. We're hoping that we can feel you move around soon. I apologize for your current accomodations, and know that it's probably getting pretty cramped in there for you. Your mom is not a large-framed woman, so your accomodations are probably a little tighter than others. Don't worry. I promise when you're born, you'll be able to stretch your legs. I can't wait to meet you!

Happy Mother's day to a woman that we both cherish and love!