Baby Blog

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Hello baby,

Just wanted to touch base with you on a few things... Lately, you've been really kicking! So much, in fact, that I can sometimes see you squirming around inside of your mom's womb! What are you doing in there? I know things are probably getting pretty tight, but do you really know any better? When you were smaller, you were probably unaware of your own existence, so there's no way you could possibly "remember" an environment that was larger. I don't know. Try to remember. I'm very curious.

Right now, all you hear is the sound of your mom's heart, and maybe a little noise from your mom's intestines. I try talking to you once in a while to see if you respond. Sometimes you do, and sometimes you don't, so my experiment is almost inconclusive. So, next time I'm talking to you, can you give me some positive feedback please? Thank you.

On the home front, our nest is almost complete. The computer room has been repainted. It looks great. Our bedroom has been primed several times to cover up candle smoke damage, with two new coats of M.A.S.H. green. I feel like saluting your mom whenever I enter the room. Your room has not only been repainted, I refinished the hardwood floors for you. I know hardwood isn't ideal for you, but we know if we asked you, that you'd prefer hardwood over the carpet. It looks cooler. You'll be the envy of all your friends because you'll be the only one with hardwood floors in their bedroom. Just think how cool your Matchbox cars will roll in your room. We'll probably get a little rug for the room to match your cute bedding.

The kitchen is still in shambles, but don't worry, we kicked off a contractor to totally refinish the entire kitchen. They told us that in 6-8 weeks it should be complete. That's kinda scary, though. You're supposed to be heading out in 10 weeks... actually 9.71428571428571428571428571428571 weeks. If you look, that's a repeating number. You'll learn about those in school. Who knows, you may already know about them. Anyway, I'm a little fearful that the contractor may be late. They came out and measured the house yesterday. By Friday, they should have a redesign for us. I'll need to review the design in order to kick them off. Unfortunately, the contractor that will be designing the kitchen is on vacation next week, so if we miss the kickoff meeting, it delays the whole thing by a week. It takes the cabinets 4-6 weeks to arrive. So worst case scenario, cabinets won't get ordered until Monday, August 8. If that's the case, add six weeks to that and it puts us to September 19. Add a week to complete, and we're up to September 26. That's cutting it pretty darn close. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Your mom will be VERY angry with me if there are contractors still working on the kitchen after you're born. And darn... I wanted to paint the kitchen before you arrived too. Hopefully, we'll be able to kick off the design this Friday, which means if everything goes right, the kitchen will be done September 19. I hope you're not an early baby.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Kicking & Nursery Furniture

Hello future progeny!

You have been very active in your mom's womb the last few weeks! Your mom tells me that you've been moving around in the early part of the day while she's at work (your mom wasn't always a stay-at-home mom), and pretty much every evening. You kick so much, that I've actually seen her stomach move! You're a lively one.

Last night, after we went grocery shopping, we stopped to at Starbucks to get an icy Frappacino. You gave your mom a pretty swift kick to the liver that hurt her. She didn't mind though. She's a trooper.

You're getting so big now (I think you weight two pounds), that you're running out of room in the womb. It must be pretty tight in there for you. But then again, you don't know any different. For all you know, life is easy: warm, cozy environment, you don't have to eat, and you don't have to wear sunblock. Believe me, it gets a little tougher, but once you come out, the world is yours to experience. It's a very large world. And who knows, by the time you're 30, maybe there will be more worlds to conquer. I'm very excited for you.

On the home front, we're still undecisive on your nursery furniture. We were ready to buy your crib and dresser, but at the last minute, I changed my mind and liked another set. Since your mom and I are the antithesis of decisive people, it caused a little turmoil when it came time to order your furniture. The problem is that you're coming out in 12 weeks. The furniture takes 8-14 weeks to arrive. That troubles me a little, especially since I spent so much time to get your room ready as quick as possible (painting, flooring, etc.). When I order the furniture, I want it today! Hopefully you don't turn into an impulse shopper... or impulse anything, like your dear ol' dad.

So, nursery furniture needs to get ordered. Talking with your mom, sounds like we're back to the drawing board.

See you in 12 weeks!