Baby Blog

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Six Week Milestone

I sent this email to my friend, Steve Egleston:

Angelina has reached a 6-week milestone. That's where all the books mention that a baby is normalized to the environment and start sponging stimuli. To me, the best way to put it is she has converted from monkey to baby. One of the new best feelings is watching your baby watch you and smile, and almost laugh. The kind of smile that yanks on the whole face and repositions the eyes... it's pretty amazing.

The second new best feeling is watching her attempt to try to speak/communicate. Right now, she's just pushing air through her larynx, but she's trying to say something. Very neat.

Another phenomenon is at night, watching her get tired and slip into sleep. We're (Danielle mostly) still holding her and swaying her into sleep in our arms before we set her down. You can watch her eyes get heavy, then close, then she'll open them up and start bawling. The feeling of "falling" asleep is probably new to her, so her only reaction is to jump back into consciousness and scream. Eventually, sleep overtakes her (about 30 min), and we set her down for the night. She actually sleeps really well, only waking up once in the night to eat, then goes right back to sleep.

It's pretty neat (and sometimes startling) looking at her and realize that she has features, shapes, behaviors and mannerisms that are mine. The eyes and eye sockets are the most bewildering. I guess my genetic code and I live on now for eternity (assuming she propogates).

Angelina is the best thing that ever happened to me. :)