Baby Blog

Monday, October 17, 2005

Welcome, Angelina... A Few Thoughts...


It took a long time for you to get into this world, and I hope that translates into a long and fruitful life.

You're sleeping next to me right now in your car seat as I play my game, World of Warcraft. You have been really "gassy" and your pediatrician told us to put you in your car seat to keep your momma's milk in your stomach. It's almost 5AM on Monday morning, and it's a treat for me to: 1) Watch you while your mom catches up on her sleep, and 2) Get some good gaming in while I can. You're all swaddled up and finally went to sleep around 1AM. I think it's great that you have been sleeping for almost four hours. You're such a tender, tasty morsel all rolled up like a sausage in your sausage casing.

As I look at you, I can only wonder...

You exist as a unique human being, with your very own physical and non-physical traits. Yet, the only reason you exist is because your mom and I each donated 50% of our DNA to create one unique piece of DNA. I look at you and I can totally see your mom's lips and chin. You are beautiful. The spacing between your nose and upper lip looks like it belongs to me. Your nose is neither of ours. I have no idea whose it is. Perhaps it is one of your grand parents', or someone from your lineage. Your eye sockets (and hopefully eyes) look like they might be mine, but it's difficult to tell since I don't know what the feminine version of my eye sockets would look like. Your hair... I cannot even guess... it looks extremely light brown, almost blonde, most of the time, but in some light patterns, it almost appears red/brown. Your hair interests me, since my side of the family has brown hair, and your mom's side has dark brown hair.

Every chance I can get, all I want to do is look at you and interact with you. To me, it feels like I am the only person ever to have lived, that has experienced the utter joy of creating and beautiful baby daughter. I am on cloud nine. I truly believe that you are the universe's miracle, one-of-a-kind creation, that has been given to me as a gift. You are an utter blessing to your mom and I. I have never felt this feeling in my life.

You are so young and innocent; your skin is soft and brand new. You have not even been exposed to any of the world's ugliness. You are pure innocence. To hold you feels like getting tickled by God. You are a miracle.

Yesterday, you were one week old. In that week, your neck has gotten stronger, your head has reshaped nicely, and I can get a smile out of you a few times in a day.

I have no idea what you are like on the inside. I am looking forward to watching you grow. I can't wait until you and I can have a conversation. Actually, I can wait. I love you just the way you are, and I'm going to enjoy each and every minute that I know you.

I love you Angelina. Welcome to our world.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Almost Here, Baby! (Scanned @ Decoma)

Hello baby! You probably struggled just as much as your mother over the
last few days-- getting squeezed, poked, prodded, and everything else in
between. I can only imagine what it must feel like in there-- a combination
vice and noodle extruder. Your poor mom had to struggle through midieval
pain during labor. I can't believe a human being could take it without
passing out... And that wasn't even the pushing... That was just
contractions. We're not even to the pushing stage yet.

Your mom and I are exhausted (your mom more than me, obviously).
Nonetheless, we can't wait to greet you with open arms in a few hours!
Dino Filias
Sent via Blackberry

Friday, October 07, 2005

We're Leaving for the Hospital Now

We're leaving for the hospital now... well, not exactly right now... your mom wants to stay here as long as possible. I don't blame her. I don't like hospitals much either.

You're Definitely Coming Today!

At the moment, your mom has been having contactions every five minutes since around 9:30 PM on Thursday. Right now, it's 1:03 AM on Friday, and your mom is in the bathroom "fixing herself up" for the hospital. She just finished her shower, and she's blow drying her hair. She just told me that she wished she got her hair cut.

When you're old enough to read this, you'll probably be old enough to wonder what we were doing the night before you were born...

I took half a day off of work today (your mom has been off for about a week and a half), and we went to Yates Cider Mill to walk around a little. We bought a half gallon of fresh apple cider, along with a dozen donuts, carmel apples, and some fudge.

We walked over to the stream that passes through Yates and we watched the mallard ducks frolicking in the water. I have been watching ducks for 36 years, and this is the first time that I have seen this type of duck actually splish-splashing in the water. The females were basically flapping their wings, chasing each other, and diving underwater for no reason other than fun. It was fun to watch them.

I think Yates Cider Mill should also be called Yates Yellow Jacket Factory, because as soon as we opened up the donuts and started drinking cider, the yellow jackets greeted us as if we were offering the nectar of the gods. I really hate bees. I hate any insect or bug that you can hear when they buzz by your ears... drives me crazy. So we regrouped, and had about ten minutes of peace and quiet from the flying demons, then it was time to go.

We drove east and went to Costco-- a cultish type of group warehouse where prices are cheap because you have to buy ten of something you would normally buy one of per year. We bought some food and then headed to Circuit City.

We went to Circuit City to look at plasma TV's. Your mom started having more regular contractions, so I didn't want to stay too long. We befriended the manager to see "how low he could go" on his plasma pricing, and also talked to him about his plasma preferences. At least I left the store knowing where I'm buying my plasma TV from: direct from Panasonic. I still don't know if we're getting a 50" or a 42".

When we got home, we unpacked, then watched a little TV on our little 27" Apex. The Apprentice was on, so we watched that. It's one of the few television shows that I will actually sit through and watch. I'm not a big TV person. I'd rather watch a good movie, or play a good computer game (like World of Warcraft).

For the last four hours, I have been monitoring your mom's contractions. They have started, and they've been pretty regular at five minutes apart. I'm not sure what your mom is trying to do... I think she's trying to break the record of how long we stay at home before going to the hospital. She knows her body best. If she isn't ready to go to the hospital, we're not going. I just hope that the contractions don't accelerate at a point that you're popping your head out as we're walking out our back door. I would have to birth you myself (which I think I could probably do).

Right now your mom just wants us to cuddle in bed, with a cold, fall breeze draping over us in the bedroom. It is comforting knowing that it makes your mom feel good.

She just had another contraction, so I'm going to go into the bedroom to comfort her. We'll probably hang out here until she can't bear it anymore, or when the contraction frequency or intensity increases.

Me, I've got my shoes on, car is in the driveway, and I'm on high alert.

Can't wait to see you today!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

I Think You're Coming Today or Tomorrow

Your mom's contractions are getting stronger and closer together. She had one contaction at 9:48 PM that lasted about a minute, then she had another one at 9:56 PM that lasted about a minute, and it was a little stronger. Also, about ten minutes ago you had the hiccups. I think hiccups are neat, and quite evolutionary. Let me tell you why I think this... we adults have hiccups, but there really is no purpose. It's not like a sneeze, that rids the nasal cavity of something that is irritating it, or of something that is foreign. A hiccup, for us, is a waste of energy... However, for an unborn baby, hiccups are wonderful things! What better way to practice breathing or exercise the diaphram in an all-liquid environment!? So whenever you have the hiccups (and it has been several times over the last nine months), you are practicing breathing! That is very exciting.

Also, I cut the grass today. Not only did it need it, I wanted the house to look good for your arrival. Whenever I know my dad is coming over, I always try to make sure that the house and garden is in order. It's a weird father-son pride thing. I want my dad to be proud of me. Not that you'll remember (even if you had your Aunt Gina's memory), but I don't want you to be dissappointed in the landscaping when we introduce you to your new quarters. I kinda want you to be proud of me.

Darn. Your mom's contractions slowed down again. Do you have any plans on coming out any time soon? If you're not out by Saturday night, I'm coming in to get you. :)